Thursday, October 28, 2010

Our new home

Our new home.  Spent all day in Kansas and Oklahoma looking for ancestors.  Met a wonderful lady in a small town of Anthony, KS at the public library.  She had studied German and also had worked in Salt Lake City studying genealogy.  Three hours later she was still copying stuff from books and looking on the internet.  I am on overload but excited about the hunt.  We leave in the morning for Dallas-Ft. Worth.

Now where did I put that?

We are finally on the road.  Stayed in South Haven, Kansas RV park just off I-35 and 4 miles from the Oklahoma border.  Today we are going to Medford, Oklahoma to see if I can find my great-grandparents who were in the Cherokee Land rush.
The 5th wheel towed great but we had a head wind.  As we came south the temperature got warmer, but the furnace did come on during the night.  We hope it doesn't get cold in Iowa.
Kansas has lots of cropland with gentle rolling hills, they are still working on harvest.